Planters & Lanterns | Porch Perfect!

Take your patio or garden from day to night with this outdoor planter for any style. 

What You'll Need:

  • Planter  
  • Styrofoam 
  • Lantern
  • String Lights (battery-or solar-powered)
  • Floral Picks or Stems
  • LED Candle 


1. Start with your planter. 

Start with a Planter

2. Stack styrofoam in the center of the planter- make sure it's centered and balanced. 

Place styrofoam in planter and balance

3. Place your lantern in the center of the planter and make sure it's even- this is where the balanced styrofoam comes in. 

Place lantern in center of planter

4. Drape ivy in between the edge of the planter and the lantern.  

Use ivy garland around the lantern to hide the styrofoam

5. Weave string lights into the ivy. Be sure to place your battery or solar pack in an accessible but hidden place.  

Place string lights in the ivy  

6. Add floral picks or stems to the ivy for color and personality.

Place floarl picks or stems throughout the ivy for personality and color  

7. Fluff and freshen until you have the look you want. 

8. Add your LED candle to the lantern.

Place LED candle into the lantern 

9. Enjoy your romantic, rustic or modern outdoor ambiance!  

Romantic, Rustic or Modern planters


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